New Contours of Production and Work. Interdisciplinary Center for IT-based Qualitative Sociological Research on Work (eLabour)
The BMBF-funded project eLabour conducts qualitative research in the field of social sciences. For this purpose, already
collected study data from various social science research institutions are evaluated under new research questions. Since
this involves research data from over 40 years, it is available in a wide variety of media: as documents in paper form,
as audio interviews, and in numerous digital written formats. In the eLabour project, a central digital platform is now
being set up to capture and enable simplified access to this research data in digitized form. This platform is
intended - while guaranteeing data protection - to enable collaborative work with the research documents in a virtual
research infrastructur
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Online-Projektes der Landeskonferenz Niedersächsischer Hochschulfrauenbeauftragter (LNHF) wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der GWDG ein elektronisches Archiv auf der Basis einer Oracle-Datenbank entwickelt. Das Archiv enthält sowohl allgemeine Dokumente zur Frauenförderung als auch Unterlagen zur aktuellen Arbeit der LNHF. Ein Teil der Dokumente ist öffentlich zugänglich, ein anderer Teil ist im internen Bereich vor Zugriff von außen gesichert, er kann nur von den Frauenbeauftragten und den Mitarbeiterinnen der Frauenbüros genutzt werden.
read more →EGI-Engage will expand the capabilities offered to scientists (e.g. improved cloud or data services) and the spectrum of its user base by engaging with large Research Infrastructures (RIs), the long-tail of science and industry/SMEs. The main engagement instrument will be a network of eight Competence Centers, where National Grid Initiatives (NGIs), user communities, technology and service providers will join forces to collect requirements, integrate community-specific applications into state-of-the-art services, foster interoperability across e-Infrastructures, and evolve services through a user-centric development model. The project will also coordinate the NGI efforts to support the long-tail of science by developing ad hoc access policies and by providing services and resources that will lower barriers and learning curves.
read more →Im großen europäischen Forschungsrojekt EURExpress wurden an verschiedenen Standorten in Europa große Mengen von Schnitten durch Mausembryonen erzeugt und die Aktivität von Tausenden von Genen in diesen Schnitten durch molekularbiologische Methoden sichtbar gemacht. Als Ergebnis entstanden mit Hilfe von automatisierten Mikroskopieverfahren große Mengen hochauflösender digitaler Bilddaten, die zur GWDG transferiert, dort weiterverarbeitet und gespeichert wurden. Wichtigstes Ziel des Projekts EURExpress war die Erstellung eines Internet-basierten Expressionsatlasses für das Genom der Maus, d. h. eine Kartierung der Aktivität der einzelnen Bestandteile des Erbguts.
read more →The worldwide forest industry is in an upheaval state due to climate change. The project FORESTCARE (–Single-tree satellite-based forest ecosystem monitoring with autoadaptive hyperdimensions – Geodata analysis) aims to monitor regional forest growth on a single-tree level, recommend and evaluate alternative adapted species for afforestation measures, and coordinate preventive forest protection measures at an early stage.
read more →Under the umbrella of GenePaint, scientists have access to the world’s first comprehensive overview of the spatial and temporal activity of all known genes (gene expression) of an entire mammalian organism at any given moment in its development on the example of the mouse genome. By means of this data, it is possible, for example, to determine candidate genes for genetic and complex diseases. One of the project’s long-term goals is to build a European online service, “European Database of Gene Expression“.
read more →The project is a joined cooperation of the key players providing environmentally related biological data and services in Germany Environmental and biological research challenges related to the Earth’s ecosystems and climate dynamics is one of the global societal challenges. It runs in the second funding phase since 2015. The importance and the complexity of the problems to be solved demands increased collaboration and knowledge exchange. Biological data are currently distributed over many media in inconsistently formats. So it is not easy to share them. Therefore a coherent infrastructure to improve scientific data integration and preservation is indispensable.
read more →Die DFG hatte im Jahre 2002 zur Stärkung der Informationsstrukturen an deutschen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen einen zweiphasigen Wettbewerb ausgeschrieben. Das vorgelegte Konzept sieht vor, die seit über 30 Jahren gewachsenen getrennten IT-Strukturen unter Einbeziehung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft so zusammenzufassen, dass ein einheitliches, transparentes Leistungsangebot für Wissenschaftler*innen, Lehrende, Studierende, Verwaltung und weitere Abnehmer*innen (z. B. in der Krankenversorgung) entsteht.
read more →Das Projekt “Grid-Computing und Data-Grid” soll die Grid-Technologie bei der GWDG etablieren.
read more →The main tasks of the HDC are long-term preservation of research data (eg critical editions, multimedia objects or 3D models) and, if legally possible, their provision for subsequent use. Important projects in the field of humanities, such as DARIAH and TextGrid, in which the GWDG is also involved, already use considerable data in their research environments, which require a joint research data service. Therefore, the HDC is a central data interface for virtual research environments in the humanities.
read more →Verzeichnisdienste bilden die Basis für die Verwaltung von Identitäten (Benutzerkonten), Gruppen, Rechten und allgemeinen Informationsstrukturen in IT-Umgebungen. Im wissenschaftlichen Umfeld herrscht hierbei insbesondere eine hohe Fluktuation sowie Dezentralität der Identitäten vor. Innerhalb des GÖ*-Projekts werden die Identitäten der beteiligten Partner in unterschiedlichen Verzeichnissen verwaltet. Einzelne Identitäten sind hierbei teilweise bereits identisch, andere sollen abgeglichen werden, um kooperative Arbeitsstrukturen zu ermöglichen. Im Rahmen dieses Projekts werden daher Möglichkeiten für den institutionsübergreifenden Abgleich von Identitäten, zugehörigen Rechten und Strukturen modelliert und implementiert, um unternehmensübergreifende Vertrauensstellungen abzubilden.
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Instant-Grid ist eine Knoppix-basierte Live-CD mit einer vorkonfigurierten Grid-Umgebung auf Basis des Globus-Toolkit. Ein PC wird von der CD gestartet und fungiert als Frontend des Instant-Grid. Er dient außerdem als PXE-Boot-Server und erlaubt so weiteren PCs im gleichen lokalen Netzwerk den Start der Instant-Grid-Umgebung per Netzwerk-Interface. Gemeinsam mit dem Frontend bilden diese Rechner - ohne weiteres Zutun des Anwenders - ein funktionsfähiges Test-Grid. Wie beim originalen Knoppix muss dabei die bestehende Konfiguration der Rechner (abgesehen vom Einschalten der PXE-Boot-Möglichkeit) nicht verändert werden und steht nach einem Neustart sofort wieder zur Verfügung.
read more →The joint project JOINTLY supports OER players in the development and dissemination of their open educational materials and organizes knowledge transfer and cooperation activities. For this concepts, contents and solutions, which were developed within project-internal co-operations, are discussed and evaluated by experts. The project promotes the acquisition and exploitation of proven knowledge for OER or IT practice. Webinars, seminars and workshops are offered for the transfer of knowledge. One focus is on advice from experts in the fields of law, production, didactics and computer science. In addition, the project will jointly develop OER-beneficial software tools as well as labor and distribution instruments. For experts and decision-makers from the fields of education, politics and society, a specific discourse platform for the exchange shall be established.
read more →Jupyter4NFDI is a project to create a basic NFDI (, service that enables the use of the many existing JupyterHubs at partner institutions and beyond via a central hub, thus facilitating access to Jupyter technology and available computing resources, including HPC. In addition, a variety of software environments and notebook-based tools can be made available through this infrastructure and used particularly easily, as users do not have to deal with installation or maintenance.
read more →The goal of KISSKI is to establish an AI-servicecenter that provides everything necessary for developing and deploying AI based solutions. This includes data via prepared trainings data and pre-trained models, expertise via training, consulting and support, hardware including HPC systems and specialized hardware as well as infrastructure using Kubernetes to enable serverless, AI-as-a-Service deployments.
read more →In order to evaluate the requirements of the scientific community for digital long-term archiving measures, the project KoLaWiss (“Cooperative Long-term Archiving for Scientific Sites”), funded by the
German Research Foundation (DFG), is currently being carried out. Under the project management of the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH (GWDG), the
Göttingen State and University Library (SUB), the Information Technology Division (G3-7 IT) and the
Medical Informatics (MI) of the University Medical Center are conducting a 1-year study on the topic of long-term archiving of digital primary data at science sites.
read more →Since 2005 the GWDG has been a cooperation partner of the “Deutsche Nationalbibliothek” (German National Library) in the field of digital preservation. The DNB is mandated by the Law „Gesetz über die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek“ (DNBG) to collect, index, record and archive german publications. As part of this partnership, the software “koala” was developed by the GWDG.
read more →Das Projekt
kopal hat den Aufbau einer technischen und organisatorischen Infrastruktur zur Sicherung der Langzeitverfügbarkeit digitaler Dokumente zum Ziel. Das Archivsystem soll neben dem physischen Erhalt der Daten vor allem auch deren künftige Interpretierbarkeit gewährleisten.
read more →Auch in der biomedizinischen Forschung findet Grid-Computing zunehmende Verbreitung und ist zu einem bedeutenden Fortschrittsfaktor geworden.
MediGRID ist ein Verbundprojekt von renommierten Forschungseinrichtungen aus den Bereichen Medizin, Bioinformatik und Gesundheitswissenschaften unter weiterer Einbeziehung zahlreicher assoziierter Partner aus Industrie sowie Versorgungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen. Damit wird das Projekt auf eine breite Basis gestellt. MediGRID soll anhand ausgewählter Anwendungsbeispiele zeigen, ob und wie in welchen Fällen Grid-Technologie in der biomedizinischen Forschung nutzbringend eingesetzt werden kann.
read more →Our goal in this project is to remove the separation of main memory and non-volatile memory and bring them together in a distributed computing system under a unified interface so that different classes of storage media can be used flexibly in HPC workflows.
read more →The European-Israeli project MIKELANGELO aims to fundamentally disrupt the architecture of virtual infrastructures for cloud computing. The project covers the whole software range of the modern computing stack for a broad set of use cases. Up to now compute-intensive applications such as big data and high-performance computing (HPC) do not use cloud services by default, since the input/output performance (I/O) is too low. If the I/O performance is not nearly as high as in the case of native installations the costs increase to purchase additional or more powerful hardware. cloud computing relies heavily on virtual machines (VMs). The physical hardware (server, storage systems, network technology) builds the foundation and on top of this lies the virtualisation layer. It offers near-zero overhead for computation, however reaching only about 60-70% efficiency for I/O operations.
read more →MINE is a service which offers access to various text resources and their extracted knowledge. Additionally, it also offers a workspace for users to run their analytics workflows. The service is currently under development and is a joint project between the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB) and the GWDG.
read more →Because cloud infrastructures have not been standardized, which often makes porting an existing application into a cloud platform very complex and regularly requires expert knowledge. This is where the PaaSage project begins. The focus is on the development of a platform that eliminates interoperability problems. This intention is reflected in the project name PaaSage, which is based on the terms “platform as a service” and “passage” and thus signals that the use of cloud services is simplified for the user. The possibility of a simple, platform-spanning implementation and use of cloud applications is of great interest especially for the European economy.
read more →BExIS is the central data management platform of the large-scale collaborative project "
Exploratories for Functional Biodiversity Research" with a large number of individual projects, which started in 2006. BExIS stands for Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Since its introduction in 2007, the BExIS platform has been continually developed. The BExIS ++ project aims to develop concepts and methods for long-term archiving for the data of biodiversity and ecosystem research as well as tools that facilitate collaborative research. In addition, BExIS ++ supports the development and institutionalization of consulting and teaching services on research data management at the University of Jena and the participating University of Göttingen and TU Munich.
read more →Research in the fields of cloud computing and resource management. In this multidisciplinary project, young researchers from computer sciences, telecommunications, scientific computing and scheduling collaborate on the development of innovative efficient methods for cloud computing to reduce the energy use and thereby the costs of data centers. Models for pooling data center to “cloud data centers” through for example service migration are to be developed. The deployment of using renewable energy sources in these cloud centers is also a topic. The kick off meeting was held in Göttingen from 27 to 28 October, 2014. Inter alia the specific objectives of CleanSky ITN were formulated.barer Energien in diesen Cloud-Zentren steht auf der Agenda.
read more →Data-driven science requires not only fast storage systems but also strategies to manage this data efficiently within and across data centers. Big data tools can satisfy the need for searching data based on user specific metadata, however, there is a zoo of tools available and no single tool can realize all the requirements a HPC system in a data center requires. Data lakes, for example, are a reasonable approach but there are alternative concepts and tools that also need to be considered. A uniform and consistent view to the millions of scientific data files on HPC systems and their efficient processing is required to maximize exploitability and prevent segmented data silos between users or projects.
read more →We see container environments as a valuable tool, on the one hand, to allow users to to create their own software environments and to decouple them from the system environment, and also as a basis for easy migration between simple migration between the NHR centers. The goal of the project in the first phase is the development of portable container descriptions that can be used by users as a basis for their own containers and can be used at several centers. Building on this, the establishment of a common reepository for tested descriptions (or ready-made containers). The Developing cluster-on-demand approaches for HPDA using Kubernetes, the most widely used solution for container orchestration (deployment, scalability, monitoring) across multiple nodes, is the goal of a 2nd phase.
read more →With the Union Catalogue of Books of the 16th-18th century (VD 16, VD 17, VD 18) published in the German-speaking countries, a retrospective national bibliography of early modern writings from the German-speaking countries in being compiled. In order to facilitate research access to these texts, great concerted efforts have been and are being undertaken to make fully digitised copies or key pages for the recorded titles available in digital form.
read more →Die Entwicklung innovativer neuer Produkte ist heutzutage in vielen Bereichen ohne Computer-Simulationen nicht mehr möglich. Das liegt zum einen an ständig mächtiger, aber eben auch komplexer werdenden Technologien. Zum anderen steigen die Anforderungen an die Gewährleistung der Produktsicherheit in allen Stadien der Entwicklung. Die benötigte Computerleistung überschreitet oft die Grenzen dessen, was insbesondere mittelständische Unternehmen ihren Ingenieuren bereitstellen können. Im OptiNum-Grid-Projekt haben sich daher, koordiniert durch die GWDG, Forschungseinrichtungen und Unternehmen mit Ressourcen-Providern zusammengeschlossen, um numerische Simulationen im Grid auszuführen.
read more →The working group “Application and Information Systems” (AG-A) operates numerous Oracle databases in joint projects with institutes of the Max Planck Society and the University, many of them being accessible worldwide via web interface. Some of these projects are presented here, the underlying links refer directly to the search masks of the databases.
read more →Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden für das Klimamodell ECHAM5 die Problematik der effizienten Parallelisierung mit MPI, OpenMP sowie deren Kombination für die Systeme IBM RS/6000 SP und pSeries untersucht.
read more →Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are of central importance to FAIR research data management. However, different research disciplines and different resources result in diverse requirements. Also, the 27 NFDI consortia have different levels of maturity in PID implementation. PID4NFDI will design a work programme to build an NFDI foundation service on established PID infrastructures.
read more →In the scope of this project, the importance and significance of profiling tools shall be made visible to HPC users through automatic performance measurements. The results of these measurements will be presented to the users after each run of their application in text form as well as in a graphical manner. In addition, the user will receive tips and suggestions for the further code-optimizations on the basis of the performance measurements.
read more →The EU project PERICLES is targeted at reliable long-time preservation of digital content. It aims to research methods and services to investigate the life cycle of digital objects while dealing with changes that can affect and modify them. PERICLES takes a “preservation by design” approach to get, from a posteriori archiving, the integration of the necessary processes in everyday life.
read more →The primary objective of the AI-NET research program is to accelerate digital transformation in Europe by Intelligent NETwork automation at each network segment, i.e., edge, metro, core and data centers.
read more →Steigerung der Akzeptanz von Public-Key-Infrastrukturen durch den Einsatz von nutzerorientierten, web-basierten Self-Service Portalen und digitalen Signaturen
read more →The SENDATE project is a Celtic-Plus Project joint project under the umbrella of EUREKA. The focus is on secure and flexible data center interconnectivity. The GWDG is involved in the subproject SENDATE-Secure-DCI, which is dedicated to the research and development of network architectures and systems for network orchestration of distributed data center structures.
read more →Im Projekt Services@MediGRID soll ein Markt für Services und Methoden etabliert werden. Voraussetzung für eine effektive Inanspruchnahme von Grid-Infrastruktur ist der leichte und niederschwellige Zugang zu den Service-Leistungen, wie sie bspw. in D-Grid angeboten werden.
read more →The SFB 990 aims at the investigation of transformation processes in tropical lowland rain forests. For the extraction of wood and other forest products as well as the cultivation of food, feed, fiber and energy plants, rainforests are cleared in many tropical areas. However, the consequences of deforestation and the role of the resulting agricultural use systems for the preservation of biodiversity and other ecological and socio-economic functions have hardly been explored so far. Synergies and conflicts between different ecological and socioeconomic functions are essential research objects. The interplay of agricultural and nature conservation is also of interest. The project therefore aims to lay the foundations for the development and implementation of sustainable agricultural systems.
read more →The EU-funded SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) project aims to encourage secure environments for sharing and using sensitive and confidential data. The project contributes to the European Open Science agenda and the realisation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
read more →TextGrid ist ein Forschungsverbund, dessen Ziel es ist, den Zugang und den Austausch von Informationen in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften zu unterstützen. TextGrid entstand auf Grund des stetig wachsenden Interesses an einer virtuellen Forschungsumgebung für geistes- und kulturwissenschaftliche Disziplinen, die philologisches Edieren und kollaboratives Arbeiten vereinfacht. Das Projekt ist getragen von der Vision eines digitalen Ökosystems basierend auf der Fortentwicklung des Open-Source-Gedankens. Zielgruppen sind deshalb nicht nur Wissenschaftler und Forschungseinrichtungen sondern auch Entwickler. Das System ermöglicht einen freien Austausch einzelner Komponenten und spezifische Anpassungen je nach den Bedürfnissen der Anwender und orientiert sich dabei an internationalen Standards wie Markup-Formaten (XML/TEI) und Metadatenkonzepten.
read more →Cloud4E was a German research project consisting of five consortium partners from science and business to supply flexible simulation solutions for technical product development in the cloud for medium-sized enterprises. The results of this project reduce the inhibition level using cutting-edge computerized develop environments significant, because finance investments in hard- and software and staff expenses could be reduced through using cloud infrastructures.
read more →The main goal of Up2U is to bridge the gap between secondary schools and higher education and research by better integrating formal and informal learning scenarios and adapting both the technology and the methodology that students will most likely be facing in universities. Up2U focuses on the context of secondary schools, often referred to as high schools, which provide secondary education between the ages of 11 and 19 depending on the country, after primary school and before higher education. The project’s plan is to make it easy for new schools to join the Up2U infrastructure and ecosystem that will form a federated market-place for the learning community.
read more →Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung des Prototyps einer Virtuellen Forschungsumgebung (VFU), die eine kollaborative Nutzung sozialwissenschaftlicher Mikrodaten der Forschungsdatenzentren im Verbundvorhaben „Dritter Bericht zur sozioökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland“ über die gesamte wissenschaftliche Leistungskette unterstützt. In einer Einführungs- und Entwicklungsphase von 21 Monaten soll ein VFU-Portal entstehen, das mit ersten kollaborativen Werkzeugen in der Forschungspraxis erprobt und einsetzbar ist.
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