On this page you can find all open theses and project topics. For any general questions on the topics or if you alerady have a different topic in mind, we would be happy to hear about it. Please contact us at graduation@gwdg.de.

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Prof. Ramin Yahyapour
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Péter Király 📧
SSO Keycloak integration and self-services for a community portal
Prof. Ramin Yahyapour
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Sven Bingert 📧
Knowledge Graphs and NLP techniques
Prof. Ramin Yahyapour
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Alireza Zarei 📧
Implementation of an API specification to enhance the functionality of an Text- and Datamining system
Prof. Ramin Yahyapour
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Sven Bingert 📧
Token Management for an API to utilise HPC resources in generic workflows
Prof. Ramin Yahyapour
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Sven Bingert 📧
Cluster on Demand with Kubernetes
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc, PhD

Supervisor: Christian Boehme 📧
Parallel applications with containers
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc, PhD
Parallel applications on HPC systems often rely on system specific MPI (Message Passing Interface) and interconnect libraries, for example for Infiniband or OmniPath networks. This partially offsets one main advantage of containerizing such applications, namely the portability between different platforms. The goal of this project is to evaluate different ways of integrating system specific communication libraries into containers, allowing for porting these containers to a different platform with minimal effort. A PoC should be implemented and benchmarked against running natively on a system.
Supervisor: Christian Boehme 📧
Digital Twin of the data center: Creation of a 3D model for the GWDG Data Center for virtual reality walk-throughs
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Digital teaching: Development of examination scenarios for HPC skills
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Development of a provenance aware ad-hoc interface for a data lake
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Hendrik Nolte 📧
Semantic classification of metadata attributes in a data lake using machine learning
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Hendrik Nolte 📧
Governance for a Data Lake
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Hendrik Nolte 📧
Authentication in HPC via WebAPI
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Christian Köhler 📧
Comparing performance of Remote Visualisation techniques
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Azat Khuziyakhmetov 📧
Recommendation System for performance monitoring and analysis in HPC
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Azat Khuziyakhmetov 📧
Monitoring and evaluating application usage in the data center
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Marcus Vincent Boden 📧
Parallelization of Iterative Optimization Algorithms for Image Processing using MPI
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Jack Ogaja 📧
Contributing unused HPC resources to grid computing projects using BOINC by backfilling
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Upscaling single cell analysis using the HPC
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Stefanie Mühlhausen 📧
Benchmarking AlphaFold and alternative models for protein structure prediction on the HPC
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Stefanie Mühlhausen 📧
Prototyping and benchmarking common workflows in phylogenetic tree reconstructions on the HPC
Prof. Julian Kunkel
BSc, MSc

Supervisor: Stefanie Mühlhausen 📧